Hacking Tube 2.0

MeePwn CTF 2017 -- Old School

Category: Pwnable 64 bit ELF, Partial RELRO, NX enabled, No PIE, has canary. -------- BookStore -------- 1. Add Book. 2. Edit Book. 3. Delete Book. 4. Show Books. 5. ...

Migrate to Github Pages

So I finally decided to migrate my blog from Logdown to Github Pages. Took me about three days to get it done. Here I write down some notes to record the whole migration process. Installing Hexo...

DEFCON CTF 2017 Quals -- badint

Category: Potent Pwnables 64 bit ELF, Partial RELRO, NX enabled, No canary & PIE. libc not provided. This C++ program will read some input from user, then store the data into the heap memor...

DEFCON CTF 2017 Quals -- peROPdo

Category: Potent Pwnables 32 bit ELF, static link, stripped, NX enabled, No PIE & canary. The program is a “rolling dice” program. First we input our name, then the program will ask us how ...

33C3 CTF 2016 -- rec

Category: pwn Points: 200 32 bit ELF, with all the protection enabled. program menu: $ ./rec Calculators are fun! 0 - Take note 1 - Read note 2 - Polish 3 - Infix 4 - Reverse Polish 5 - Sign 6...

33C3 CTF 2016 -- babyfengshui

Category: pwn Points: 150 32 bit ELF, with Partial RELRO, canary & NX enabled, No PIE program menu: $ ./babyfengshui 0: Add a user 1: Delete a user 2: Display a user 3: Update a user descri...

33C3 CTF 2016 -- ESPR

Category: pwn Points: 150 This time there’s no binary or libc.so provided, only an image looks like this: eat: sleep: +-----------------+ +----------------+ | sub rsp, 0x100 ...

33C3 CTF 2016 -- The 0x90s called

Category: pwn Points: 150 First we’ll have to go to a web page to start our challenge session. The page will show us the port (same IP address with the web page) and the ID/password. Once we co...

33C3 CTF 2016 -- pdfmaker

Category: Misc Points: 75 Just a tiny application, that lets the user write some files and compile them with pdflatex. What can possibly go wrong? nc 24242 So this is a s...

SECCON CTF 2016 -- chat

Category: Exploit Points: 500 64 bit ELF with Partial RELRO, stack canary & NX enabled, No PIE. The program is a simple tweet-chat service: $ ./chat Simple Chat Service 1 : Sign Up 2 :...